Another bumper crop of sci-fi goodies for you to splash the cash on…
Hello and welcome to this weeks bargains round up, as ever we, the super vigilant SFX , have made it our mission to bring you a weekly selection of bargains with a Sci-fi twist.
To begin with we’ll mention these two excellent sales that are still ongoing, first we have Play’s Blu-Ray 2 for £15 which includes a fair number of sci-fi films, so it’s definitely worth checking out to see what bargains you can find. Another sale we’ve pimped heavily over the last few weeks is the big HMV pre Christmas sale, with well over 2000 DVDs and Blu-Rays to hunt through it’s another one worth checking out.
Yet another classic on offer is the eerie 80s children’s TV show Chocky for £6:26 . Amazon have a DVD boxed set of all three series of the show for £11:99 (opens in new tab) but we reckon you should just stick with series one, that’s the one that terrified us when we were little…
On the Blu-Ray shelves we found Robert Downey Jr. in Iron Man 2 , Zack Snyder’s muscle fest The 300 and Mr Downey Jr. again in Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes all for £10 each.
If you’re looking for big fighty robots we have both Transformers and Transformers 3 going cheap… Transformers is available on DVD for £5 and on Blu-Ray for a £10 . Dark of the Moon is available for £10 on DVD and £11 on Blu-Ray. No sign of the middle film and its big clanking robot balls, but who really cares about that one?
Lots of suggestions from the forum this week; first off we have our Ian Berriman with a bargain find: Lost seasons 1 to 6 over at HMV for £48:99. Whether or not you think that’s a great find is another thing entirely…
Wee Little Puppet Man found convoluted spy fun with Alias seasons 1 to 5 (opens in new tab) for £29.47 at Amazon. SimonG found the complete series DVD of Fantastic Voyage for £9.99 at sendit.
Radical Edward found classic cartoon Sci-fi in the form of Star Trek: The Animated Series on DVD for £10:99 (opens in new tab) on Amazon and also Lance Henriksen looking moody in Millennium – Season 1 to 3 for £17.99 from Play.
If you find anything we’ve brought you this week cheaper somewhere else mention it in the comments section below. We want as many bargains for our readers as we can get. If anyone out there spots a sci-fi bargain they want to share then please pop over to the forum and mention it in the relevant thread. This thread is for bargain films and this one is for TV bargains. Keep your eyes peeled for great offers for your fellow geek and maybe your bargain will be in the list next time.