How’s your memory? Excellent. Then you’ll no doubt remember all about the reveal trailer released by Capcom for its newly announced futuristic fancy Remember Me. Well forget all about that because now there’s a gameplay demo and it makes the memory-sacking action look much, much more interesting. Seriously. Watch it:
So where the earlier trailer had us drawing comparisons with the likes of Uncharted and Deus Ex, now we’ve seen amnesiac Joanna Dark-a-like protagonist Nilin complete an objective we’re inclined to add Watch Dogs, Hitman, Prince of Persia, Assassin’s Creed and Ghost Trick to that list of familiar gaming shades.
The mind-burgling segment looks pretty neat and should provide some ingenious ways to eliminate targets. That said, it’s not clear from this small glimpse if kills will be reliant on simply figuring out the single correct sequence of variables through trial-and-error, or if players will be able to execute assassinations through a variety of different creative methods a la Agent 47.
Remember Me is coming out May 2013 on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. Hopefully we’ll have more info very soon.