Though it was announced over a year ago and we’ve yet to see a playable build of the game, we’re still excited for DmC, the Devil May Cry reimagining. Partially it’s because we have high hopes based on it being developed by Ninja Theory, but also because we keep seeing promising new footage of the title. This most recent trailer highlights the scary world hiding under what we perceive, a realm only special people like Dante can see…
After checking out the combat last week (opens in new tab), this new footage shows us that not all the challenges will involve juggling demons with bullets. We expected some platforming elements, but this intense, trippy take on it looks remarkable. Unlike games such as Uncharted, things aren’t falling apart accidentally into obvious platforming challenges; some unseen force is trying to kill you by reshaping reality around you.
Classic Devil May Cry fans might still object to Dante’s new look, we hope they at least can appreciate the creativity on display here. We have no more specific a date than 2012 for DmC, but they have to publically show the game at some point, right? Videos like these at least prove the game exists.