Researching alien tech is tricky. Even if you don’t accidentally create a black hole inside a test tube, knowing exactly what you’re dealing with is guesswork at best. That’s why we’re here. We’ve assembled a complete guide of everything that can be researched, what that research does exactly, and what it’ll cost you. We can’t say this will ensure the survival of the human race, but it certainly can’t hurt.
Weapons research is heavily dependent on – you guessed it – weapon fragments. It’s for this reason that you should never sell weapon fragments on the Gray Market and always fight every ground battle available (these are best way to obtain fragments).
Note that some research not only requires a certain set of materials, but other, specific research. For instance, you will not have the option to research Heavy Lasers if you haven’t yet researched Beam Weapons. In some cases, first salvaging the weapon from battle is required before research can even begin.
From weakest to strongest, general weapons classes are as follows: standard, laser, plasma. We’ve put “(best)” next to the strongest weapons available in the game.
B = Base Damage
CC = Critical Chance
CD = Critical Damage
Research: Beam Weapons
Requirements: 10 weapon fragments, 5 alien alloys
Unlocks: Laser Pistol (B:2,CC:30%,CD:3), Laser Rifle (B:5,CC:10%,CD:7), Improved Pistol II (Foundry)
Research: Heavy Lasers
Requirements: Beam Weapons, 5 Weapon Fragments, 5 Alien Alloys
Unlocks: Heavy Laser LMG (B:6,CC0%,CD:9), Laser Cannon (Interceptor), S.H.I.V. Laser Project (Foundry)
Research: Precision Lasers
Requirements: Beam Weapons, 5 fragments, 5 alloys
Unlocks: Scatter Laser Shotgun (B:6,CC:20%,CD:9), Laser Sniper (B:6,CC:30%,CD:9)
Research: Light Plasma Rifle
Requirements: Salvaged Light Plasma Rifle, 40 fragments, 10 alloys, 5 Elerium
Unlocks: Light Plasma Rifle (B:5,CC:10%,CD7)
Research: Plasma Pistol (best)
Requirements: Salvaged Plasma Pistol, 40 fragments, 5 Elerium
Unlocks: Plasma Pistol (B:3,CC:20%,CD:4), Improved Pistol III Project (Foundry)
Research: Plasma Rifle
Requirements: Salvaged Plasma Rifle, 40 fragments, 10 alloys, 5 Elerium
Unlocks: Plasma Rifle (B:7,CC:10%,CD:10)
Research: Heavy Plasma (best)
Requirements: Salvaged Heavy Plasma, 40 fragments, 10 alloys, 10 Elerium
Unlocks: Heavy Plasma LMG (B:9,CC:0%,CD:13), S.H.I.V. Plasma Project (Foundry)
Research: Plasma Sniper (best)
Requirements: Plasma Rifle or Heavy Plasma, 50 fragments, 10 alloys, 10 Elerium
Unlocks: Plasma Sniper Rifle (B:9,CC:35%,CD:13)
Research: Alloy Cannon (best)
Requirements: Plasma Rifle or Heavy Plasma, 40 fragments, 25 alloys, 5 Elerium
Unlocks: Alloy Cannon Shotgun (B:9,CC:20%,CD13)
Research: Guided Fusion Launcher (best)
Requirements: Salvaged Battleship Class UFO Fusion Core, 75 fragments, 20 alloys, 10 Elerium
Unlocks: Blaster Rocket Launcher
Armor research works in the same way as weapons research, though the various types mean there is no “best” option. Go with what works best for each individual class or character and the role you’ve created for them.
H = Health Bonus
Research: Carapace Armor
Requirements: Salvaged Alien Materials, 10 alien alloys
Unlocks: Carapace Armor (H:4), Alloy S.H.I.V.
Research: Skeleton Suit
Requirements: Carapace Armor, 15 alloys
Unlocks: Skeleton Suit (H:3, grapple hook, increased movement)
Research: Titan Armor
Requirements: Carapace Armor, 15 alloys, 5 Elerium
Unlocks: Titan Armor (H:10, poison immunity, flame immunity)
Research: Ghost Armor
Requirements: Titan Armor, Hyperwave Communication (see “other”), 15 alloys, 15 Elerium
Unlocks: Ghost Armor (H:6, Ghost Mode ability, grapple hook)
Research: Archangel Armor
Requirements: Titan Armor, New Fighter Craft (see “other”), 15 alloys, 15 Elerium
Unlocks: Archangel Armor (H:8, flight mode)
Research: Psi Armor
Requirements: Ethereal or Sectoid Commander interrogation, 10 alloys, 10 Elerium
Unlocks: Psi Armor (H:6, Will increase of 30 for psi attacks and defense)
Interceptors exist to protect your satellites by engaging UFOs in direct combat. As the game progresses, it is crucial to upgrade your Interceptors to match the increased firepower of UFOs. You’ll want to research the “New Fighter Craft” as soon as possible and upgrade to Plasma Cannons.
Defense Matrix (dodge), UFO Tracking (boost), an Uplink Targeting (aim) are all available to purchase in Engineering. These are expendable items used to aid an interceptor in battle. They can turn the tide if your ship is outclassed by the UFO with which it is engaged.
Once you have well-equipped Firestorm interceptors, you have a good chance of defeating a Battleship class UFO. Doing so is crucial, as the power core recovered from the wreckage is used to create some of the most powerful weapons in the game, including the best interceptor weapon, the Fusion Lance.
Avalanche Missiles (free) and Phoenix Cannons (for a small price) are available at the beginning of the game.
Key:HC = Hit Chance
R = Range
FR = Fire Rate
D = Damage
AP = Armor Penetration
Research: Heavy Lasers
Requirements: Beam Weapons, 5 Weapon Fragments, 5 Alien Alloys
Unlocks: Laser Cannon (HC:85%,R:Short,FR:Rapid,D:Low,AP:Medium)
Research: Phoenix Cannon
Requirements: Experimental Warfare research
Unlocks: Phoenix Cannon (HC:95%,R:Short,FR:Rapid,D:Low,AP:Low)
Research: Plasma Cannon
Requirements: Light Plasma Rifle, 30 fragments, 10 Elerium
Unlocks: Plasma Cannon (HC:85%,R:Long,FR:Medium,D:Medium,AP:High)
Research: New Fighter Craft
Requirements: Salvaged Alien Nav Computer, UFO Power Source, 75 fragments, 10 alloys, 10 Elerium
Unlocks: Firestorm Interceptor and Hover S.H.I.V.
Research: EMP Cannon
Requirements: New Fighter Craft, Plasma Cannon, 20 Elerium
Unlocks: EMP Cannon (HC:100%,R:Short,FR:Medium,D:High,AP:High)
Whenever you defeat a new enemy type, your research team can perform an autopsy on the corpse after the battle. If you use the Arc Thrower item to capture the enemy alive, your research team can perform an interrogation (after which, they can perform an autopsy on the same subject).
In most cases, interrogations only give you research credit in a specific area. This credit simply speeds up research time related to said area. Interrogating a Sectoid Commander and an Ethereal provide additional rewards.
Note that “projects” refer to Foundry undertakings, and have no effect until you build a Foundry and spend the required resources to complete the project. Also, you cannot interrogate or stun robots, so don’t bother trying.
Subject: Sectoid
Interrogation Result: Beam Weapon research credit
Autopsy Result: Unlocks Uplink Targeting (aim) for purchase for interceptors
Subject: Sectoid Commander
Interrogation Result: Psionic research credit, Psi Armor prerequisite
Autopsy Result: Psi Lab available for construction
Subject: Floater
Interrogation Result: Armor research credit
Autopsy Result: Unlocks Defense Matrix (dodge) for purchase for interceptors
Subject: Thin Man
Interrogation Result: UFO Technology research credit
Autopsy Result: Improved Medkit project (+50% to Medkit healing)
Subject: Chryssalid
Interrogation Result: None
Autopsy Result: Unlocks Chitin Plating item (+4 HP, reduces melee damage sustained)
Subject: Muton
Interrogation Result: Plasma Weapon research credit
Autopsy Result: Ammo Conservation project (all weapons require less frequent reloading)
Subject: Muton Beserker
Interrogation Result: Armor research credit
Autopsy Result: Unlocks Combat Stims item (temporarily reduces damage sustained by 50% & boosts stats/resistances)
Subject: Muton Elite
Interrogation Result: All weapon tech research credit
Autopsy Result: Plasma Weapon research credit
Subject: Heavy Floater
Interrogation Result: Flight research credit
Autopsy Result: Advanced Repair project (reduced repair times on S.H.I.V.s and interceptors)
Subject: Drone
Interrogation Result: None
Autopsy Result: Drone Capture project (use the Arc Thrower to control Drones in battle)
Subject: Cyberdisc
Interrogation Result: None
Autopsy Result: Unlocks UFO Tracking (boost) for purchase for interceptors
Subject: Sectopod
Interrogation Result: None
Autopsy Result: Advanced Construction project (accelerates vehicle and facility construction)
Subject: Ethereal
Interrogation Result: All tech research credit, Psi Armor prerequisite
Autopsy Result: Unlocks Mind Shield item (increases defense vs Psi attacks)
Foundry Projects
The Foundry is a facility that can be constructed once you’ve researched “Experimental Warfare,” which has no prerequisites. It is here that you can improve all aspects of your XCOM capabilities – at a cost, of course. Unlike the research done in laboratories, which requires scientists, research done in the Foundry requires engineers.
Note that the credit cost is not included here, as it varies depending on the research you’ve done and/or satellite coverage bonuses.
Project: Heavy Weapons Platform
Outcome: Combat drone for use in battle (replaces soldier)
Cost: 5 engineers
Project: Alien Grenades
Outcome: Alien Grenades (more powerful than standard grenades)
Cost: 20 engineers, 20 weapon fragments, 25 alien alloys, 10 Elerium, 1 salvaged Alien Grenade
Project: Improved Medkit
Outcome: Medkits heal 50% more
Cost: 15 engineers, 20 fragments, 4 Thin Man corpses
Project: Improved Arc Thrower
Outcome: Increases Arc Thrower stun rate
Cost: 10 engineers, 20 fragments, 20 alloys, 20 Elerium, 4 Drone wrecks
Project: Advanced Repair
Outcome: Reduces repair time of interceptors and S.H.I.V. units
Cost: 20 engineers, 30 alloys, 10 Elerium, 4 Heavy Floater corpses
Project: S.H.I.V. Laser
Outcome: S.H.I.V. miniguns replaced by laser guns
Cost: 10 engineers, 15 fragments, 30 alloys
Project: S.H.I.V. Plasma
Outcome: S.H.I.V. weapons replaced by plasma guns
Cost: 20 engineers, 30 fragments, 45 alloys, 30 Elerium
Project: S.H.I.V. Repair
Outcome: Arc Throwers can repair S.H.I.V.s mid-combat
Cost: 10 engineers, 15 alloys, 15 Elerium
Project: S.H.I.V. Suppression
Outcome: S.H.I.V.s gains Suppression ability
Cost: 15 engineers
Project: Drone Capture
Outcome: Arc Throwers can control Drones for the remainder of mission
Cost: 10 engineers, 20 fragments, 4 Drone wrecks
Project: Ammo Conservation
Outcome: All weapons carry more ammo
Cost: 15 engineers, 20 fragments, 90 alloys, 6 Muton corpses
Project: Advanced Construction
Outcome: Faster construction of vehicles and facilities
Cost: 30 engineers, 20 fragments, 50 alloys, 30 Elerium, 2 Sectopod wrecks
Project: Advanced Flight
Outcome: Flight time of Hover S.H.I.V.s and Archangel Armor increased
Cost: 25 engineers, 50 alloys, 50 Elerium
Project: Improved Pistol I
Outcome: Critical hit chance of pistols increased
Cost: 5 engineers, 5 fragments
Project: Improved Pistol II
Outcome: Aim of pistols increased
Cost: 10 engineers, 25 fragments, 20 alloys
Project: Improved Pistol III
Outcome: Max damage of pistols increased
Cost: 20 engineers, 50 fragments, 10 alloys, 10 Elerium
Project: Stealth Satellites
Outcome: Reduced chance of UFOs finding satellites
Cost: 20 engineers, 20 alloys, 20 Elerium, 3 UFO flight computers
Project: S.C.O.P.E. Upgrade
Outcome: Critical hit chance increased
Cost: 10 engineers, 15 fragments
Other Research Projects
Many of the following research projects are story-related, though not all. Some are prerequisites for other research projects.
Research: Experimental Warfare
Requirements: None
Unlocks: Foundry facility, Phoenix Cannon, Alien Grenades project (Foundry)
Research: Weapon Fragments
Requirements: 5 weapon fragments
Unlocks: S.C.O.P.E. item (+10 aim), S.C.O.P.E. upgrade project (Foundry)
Research: Alien Materials
Requirements: 5 weapon fragments
Unlocks: Nano-Fiber Vest item (+3 HP)
Research: UFO Power Source
Requirements: 1 salvaged UFO Power Source
Unlocks: Elerium Generator facility
Research: Xeno-Biology
Requirements: 4 Sectoid corpses
Unlocks: Alien Containment facility
Research: Arc Thrower
Requirements: Xeno-Biology research, 10 weapon fragments
Unlocks: Arc Thrower item (stuns enemy for interrogation)
Research: Outsider Shard
Requirements: Xeno-Biology research
Unlocks: Skeleton Key (story-related item)
Research: Elerium
Requirements: 1 salvaged UFO Power Source, 10 Elerium
Unlocks: Improved Arc Thrower project (Foundry)
Research: Alien Nav Computer
Requirements: 2 salvaged UFO flight computer
Unlocks: Satellite Nexus Facility, Stealth Satellites project (Foundry)
Research: Hyperwave Communication
Requirements: Alien Nav Computer research, 1 salvaged Hyperwave Beacon, 30 alloys, 30 Elerium
Unlocks: Hyperwave Relay facility
Research: Ethereal Device
Requirements: 1 salvaged Psi-Link from Ethereal UFO
Unlocks: Gollop Chamber facility