Weekend Spent: Oct. 6-7 – What games are on your list?

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Lucas: After a recent shopping spree of classic PC games, I’ve got a lot of sampling to do this weekend. First up will be Sanitarium, a point-and-click 1998 adventure that’s all about psychological horror. Then the first Far Cry, even though I own and still have yet to play Far Cry 2. If time permits, I’ll also dip into some La-Mulana. Yep–GOG (opens in new tab) got my wallet good this week.

Cooper: I’ve spent the last week cracking away at XCOM: Enemy Unknown for review (coming Monday morning), and I think I’ll continue playing it throughout the weekend to see how many other family members I can get killed. I also might try to go back into some games I missed, like Borderlands 2 or Torchlight II, if not to just get a slight whiff of their greatness before being whisked away to another review.

David: Let’s see. Ever since I got a copy of Dishonored the other day I’ve spent every waking minute either playing Dishonored, thinking about Dishonored, talking about Dishonored, planning out tactics and schemes for Dishonored, or cursing whatever I happened to be doing for not being playing Dishonored. I’m only missing out on dreaming about Dishonored in terms of having the full set of obsessional game behaviour, so this weekend I reckon I’m going to work on getting that one sorted out.

Justin: This weekend (on the strength of Sophia’s recommendation), I will be playing the copy of LittleBigPlanet Vita that I bought yesterday. Loving it so far. My girlfriend and I are also playing co-op Borderlands 2 together, which is amazing. I still intend to play F1 2012 some more too. Oh, and high-score caning NiGHTS into Dreams HD is quite literally ‘Dreamy’, so I’ll be on that too, no question. Try to beat CatGoneCrazy on PSN. Game on!

Sophia: I am going to be marathoning it this weekend and catching up on all the games that I have yet to play. Sleeping Dogs, Dishonored, and Darksiders II are due for some attention. I have also been distracted by some Plants vs Zombies lately, mainly because I now have it on the Vita and I am starting to enjoy playing games in bed right before I go to sleep.

Brian: I plan on progressing further through Resident Evil 6. I’m actually quite anxious to see what the other campaigns have to offer. Aside from that, I need to brush up on my Starcraft II skills in preparation for the one day that I win the Blizzard lottery and get that magical email invitation to the Heart of the Swarm beta.

Sterling: I’m working on Fable: The Journey for Tuesday’s review (it’ll be live at 6 a.m. Pacific!). Funny enough, we’re experiencing San Francisco’s typical late summer heat, so my neighbors probably thought I was completely crazy sitting on my couch making weird gestures and shouting commands at my console. In my mind, I figured they thought I was playing Dance Central 2 sitting down. Either way, probably looked a little weird to them. Anyway, I’m hoping that by Sunday, I’ll be done with my review in time to test out the NBA’s newest Expandables, your 2012-13 Lakers, in NBA 2K13.

Lorenzo: Coming off my review of Dishonored, I’ve decided to switch gears from the stealth action and political dealings and get into some good ol’ fashioned zombie killing. I’ve started to play through the Leon campaign in Resident Evil 6, and I’m hoping to get through at least that one storyarch during the weekend. I’ve also found a new favorite class in Guild Wars 2 (the Guardian), so there’s that. Sorry, Norn Warrior. You have been shunned.

Henry: Busy week in the office after my extended stay in Japan, meaning I had to postpone starting Resident Evil 6 until this weekend. I know response to it has been mixed, but I’m too big of an RE fan to ignore it. On top of that, New Super Mario Bros 2 got its first set of DLC, so I’ll also be putting the new, harder stages through their paces too. And if I’m lucky I’ll find time to beat Bayonetta, but that’s likely wishful thinking.

That’s what we’ll be busy doing. What about you? Let us know in the comments below!

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