Touch My Katamari PS Vita video walkthrough

We weren’t too sure what to think when we heard about Touch my Katamari. Sure, we were excited to roll over more things whilst growing in size (as Katamari games usually allow us), but we really hoped that the series would, eventually, add some new elements. Thankfully, likely in part due to the PS Vita’s unique controls, the upcoming iteration to the series actually does throw in a few new elements – most notably, the ability to squish and stretch the Katamari. This. Changes. Everything.

How much different does it make the game? Well, we were so excited at the prospect that we took a camera, pointed it at the Japanese copy of the game we just nabbed, and talked over the first ten or so minutes of the game. Take a look at the video above for more information, and continue checking back from now until February for all of the PS Vita news you can handle (and a good deal more).

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