Top 10 Screen Werewolves

Number 3
Name: Remus Lupin
In: Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban
Played by: David Thewlis
Born or bitten: Bitten

In Harry Potter , werewolves are cruelly shunned by society. Lupin was allowed to enter Hogwarts as a student thanks to Dumbledore, who gave Lupin somewhere to transform without harming the other students – although he did nearly kill Snape that one time…

He was easily Hogwarts’ best Defence Against the Dark Arts professor: he wasn’t a Death Eater; didn’t have Voldemort attached to the back of his head; and didn’t torture any students with a cursed quill as a punishment. His only downfall was that once a month he’d turn into a murderous creature that was a danger to anyone in its path. But thanks to the advancements of modern wizardry, he’s able to keep his human mind (if not body) by drinking Wolfsbane Potion, then curling up on the floor of his office and sleeping it off.

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