Tom Hanks is looking to recreate the success he enjoyed on Saving Private Ryan by snapping up the rights for Universal’s upcoming WW2 drama In The Garden Of Beasts .
Adapted from the novel of the same name by American author Erik Larson, the film is based upon the real life memories of William Dodd, who was US Ambassador to Berlin in 1933.
As the country moves towards war, Dodds’ daughter becomes romantically involved with a number of high-ranking members of the Third Reich. Meanwhile the mask over Hitler’s nationalism begins to slip, and Dodds’ family soon become all too aware of the fascism that sits behind it.
At present, Hanks’ full involvement has yet to be confirmed, but The Hollywood Reporter suggests that he is considering In The Garden Of Beasts for his next starring vehicle.
Indeed, it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to imagine Hanks in the William Dodd role, an essentially good man caught in a very sticky situation. Meanwhile, Hanks can soon be seen in Stephen Daldry’s Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close , which arrives in UK screens on 3 February 2012.