Tag Archives: Gears of War 3

New Gears of War 3 Easter egg discovered 5 years later

What better way to celebrate the upcoming fifth anniversary of Gears of War 3 (opens in new tab) than by finding one of its undiscovered Easter eggs? Despite hitting Xbox 360 back on September 20, 2011, the shooter still has new secrets to yield, as demonstrated in this video by …

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Best game characters of the generation

And what a generation it’s been A few months back we discussed our favorite characters of all time, honoring both the best heroes and best villains of all time. And as we sat around, discussing the gunslingers and captains, the philanthropists and monsters, the saints and the bastards, we realized …

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Epic: Movies and cheap apps are killing traditional games

Mike Capps, President of Epic Games, has again added his voice to those prophesying doom for traditional games in the face of app-style gaming. In an interview with IndustryGamers (opens in new tab), Capps puts aside financial issues to concentrate on the impact of new-media phenomena from a perspective less …

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