Vita’s game line-up received a healthy shot in the retro arm last week in the form of the roll-out of the PSOne Classics range (opens in new tab). But it looks like Sony is about to follow that up with another slice of previous-gen goodness pretty soon in the form of proper, official Remote Play functionality for the PS3’s Ico HD (opens in new tab). And this all comes from the highest possible source.
The picture above was published this morning to the Twitter account (opens in new tab) of Shuhei Yoshida, President of Sony Worldwide Studios. A little later he explained:
“Sorry to tease you, I was play testing ICO HD Remote Play on PS Vita. We are almost ready with a patch. Beautiful on OLED. More info soon”
So, looks like the long-awaited Remote Play cross-platform game streaming function might soon be ready for owners of both of Sony’s machines. There’s been a fair old torrent of expectation for the functionality’s appearance over recent months, not to mention a few notable unofficial workarounds (opens in new tab) in lieu of the arrival of Sony’s official system. No word yet though on whether the Ico patch heralds the roll-out of Remote Play across the board, or if the system will be restricted to particular games on a case-by-case basis.