Other highlights this week include XCOM: Enemy Unknown, which charts at a very respectable No. 7 and becomes publisher Take 2’s biggest selling title of the week, overtaking the mighty Borderlands 2. Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 appear at 3 and 5 respectively. Rather interestingly, Chart Track notes that even if sales of both versions were combined it wouldn’t be enough to chart the Pokémon sequels above Dishonored. Finally, Kinect-only Fable: The Journey limps in at No.37.
Here’s the Top 20 UK software chart in full:
1. FIFA 13
2. Dishonored
3. Pokémon Black Version 2
4. Resident Evil 6
5. Pokémon White Version 2
6. Just Dance 4
7. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
8. Borderlands 2
9. F1 2012
10. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
11. Sleeping Dogs
12. Pro Evolution Soccer 2013
13. Forza Motorsport 4
14. Rocksmith
15. New Super Mario Bros 2
16. Gran Turismo 5 Academy Edition
17. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
18. NBA 2K13
19. Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
20. Dead Island GOTY Edition