Honestly, you wait 19 years for one Evil Dead , and then two come screaming at you at once.
First things first. According to Bloody Disgusting , the long-touted Evil Dead reboot has just landed a director in Federico Alvarez.
Who, you ask? And well you might. All we know about Alvarez is that he hails from Uruguay and he’s yet to direct a feature film.
He does have a handful of genre shorts in the bag, though, which must be what caught producer Sam Raimi and Ghost House Pictures’ eyes.
Alvarez is definitely a left-field choice, but going on those shorts, he could just be the man for the job. There’s also something pleasingly fitting about a young upstart making Evil Dead his first feature gig – not unlike Raimi himself.
As for Evil Dead 4 , according to the franchise’s rock ‘n’ roll star Bruce Campbell, it’s almost ready to enter into production.
Yesterday the cult legend tweeted: “Believe in the remake, dawg! The project is real. In the works. Cool as hell. Scary as hell.”
Meanwhile, Dread Central (opens in new tab) reports that Army Of Darkness editor Bob Murawski has gone to Detroit to begin working on the film, which will apparently be a “small indie” thing like the first two films.
With all this Evil Dead news, it’s being to feel a lot like Christmas…