Capcom’s Yoshinori Ono has revealed fresh details about Deep Down, the new IP first revealed for PS4 in February. The online RPG is set in New York in 2094, but seemingly transports players into the past via memories to battle creepy monsters and dragons in underground caves, adding an Assassin’s Creed-like element to the title’s previously revealed Dark Souls vibe.
In a presentation today during a Japanese PlayStation conference, Ono said Sony engineers are working with Capcom on the PS4 exclusive, which is being built with the Street Fighter publisher’s next-gen Panta Rhei engine. The game will feature randomly generated dungeons, monsters and loot.
The first Deep Down trailer featured a band of medieval journeymen – which seemed to be comprised of the classic holy trinity of knight, archer, and monk/healer – exploring an underground environment before being set upon by a large fire-breathing dragon. Capcom intends to reveal more details about the title at Tokyo Game Show 2013 later this month.