Will Batman be flying in at the top spot for our definitive list of the 50 greatest superheroes? [ALSO: THREE FREE GIFTS!]
The latest Comic Heroes counts down the top 50 superheroes of all time, from Batman to Wolverine – as voted for by you. Where will your favourite place on this ultimate list? There’s only one way to find out…
You’ll find details about Avengers Vs X-Men , which hits stores in April to coincide with the highly anticipated release of Joss Whedon’s film The Avengers .
Not only do we list the greatest heroes ever, but we point out the really crappy ones too. Which hero’s secret weapon is a trained bumble bee that lives in his belt buckle? Who’s power relies on the length of his hair? Or what about a riot cop on a skateboard?
Plus we’ve got loads more, with the bluffer’s guide to George Pérez, the art of Jamie McKelvie, American Flagg , Massimo Belardinelli and extensive reviews featuring the best of the month’s releases. If that wasn’t enough we also have Hogan talking Tom Strong , and a celebration of Judge Dredd.