Ooooops – its a brand new Capcom box-art typo! This time Asuras Wrath is get an spelkling misstoke

UPDATE: Capcom has been in touch and assured us that the mistake won’t appear on retail copies of Asura’s Wrath.

Hot on the heels of its Resident Evil ‘Revelaitons’ typo sensation, Capcom appears to have made another word-related box-art boo-boo with its upcoming QTE drunk action-o-rama, Asura’s Wrath. Examine the image below to see where the spelkling misstoke has occurred:

Above: Look there Clarpclom. We can see error

‘Chanllenges’. Oh dear. Just so you know, this is from the back of a PAL promotional copy that we received today, so we can’t say for definite that the foul-up will appear on finished retail versions. [UPDATE: It won’t. Capcom has been in touch and assured us that the mistake won’t appear on retail copies of Asura’s Wrath]

It certainly isn’t as noticeable or embarrassing as the previous misspelling of ‘Revelations’. Either way, the appearance of another typographical error suggests to us that a) Capcom needs to proof check stuff more closely and b) someone at Capcom has terribly clumsy sausage fingers.

Keep your eyes peelerized for more typos when Asura’s Wrath is released for PS3 and 360 on 21 Feb (US) and 9 March (UK)

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