Tag Archives: Top 7

7 games where the bad guys actually win

The good guys don’t always win. Although video games often represent an idealised version of life, where good triumphs over evil and everyone ends up happy, there are several notable examples where the bad guys definitely ‘win’. I’m not talking about possible scenarios where the baddos come out on top–these …

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Fantastic sequels to forgettable games

From crap to GOTY Tell me if this sounds familiar: you’ve just picked up a brand new console on launch day, you’ve read all the reviews, and despite all of your better instincts, you went ahead and grabbed Perfect Dark Zero anyway. Or how about this: it’s the dead of …

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Top 7… Games full of impossible choices

Sometimes the only right decision is the least-wrong one Updated with the Community Choice winner! Life, we’re told, boils down to the choices you make. And traditionally, video games are all about the faces you shoot as a result of those decisions… usually. That, or offering black-and-white options as we …

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The Top 7 Reasons the Super NES is Nintendos best console

Two decades ago this month, the Super NES was unleashed on an already Nintendo-obsessed North America. Since its 1991 arrival, the console has gone on to become one of the most enduringly popular machines in gaming history, and home to numerous classics that inspired many of the titles we love …

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The Top 7… Epic dance battles

7. Game Over The dancers: The Simpsons and God Ordinarily, the very idea of a dance battle with God – which is, incidentally, how The Simpsons Game ends – would skyrocket an entry like this to the top of the list. In practice, though, it’s not quite as impressive as …

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