Tag Archives: Ouya

12 stand-out game worlds youll never forget

A version of this originally posted in July of 2013. A whole new world Some franchises have such big personalities at the center that its basically impossible to imagine a new entry without someone like Link, Master Chief, or Lara Croft taking center stage. But theres the occasional game that …

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RadioRadar podcast 93: We Were Wrong

This week we go through our list of 99 E3 2014 predictions and find that… holy hell, we were TERRIBLE. Why do you guys listen to anything we say? Wow. Hosts: Hollander Cooper, Henry Gilbert, Ashley Reed, Ryan TaljonickQuestion of the week: What are you looking forward to most out …

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Why Star Wars probably wont come to Disney Infinity until 2015

After weeks of teasing, Disney Interactive confirmed what comic lovers had been waiting for since the toy/game hybrid was first announced in 2013: Marvel super heroes are coming to Disney Infinity. The reveal started strong with appearances by all the Avengers featured in the hit films, along with teases of …

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9 official game websites you wont believe are still around

When the hell are they? While Im sure that plenty of my personal information has been compiled by Google, Facebook, and whatever Heartbleed hackers found elsewhere, its nice to be able to hide earlier online transgressions. That embarrassing MySpace profile? Deleted. Drunken escapades on Facebook? Untagged. Not every corporation can …

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Brutally violent actions in E-rated games

Avert your eyes, children Ah, that innocent ESRB rating known as “E for Everyone.” Parents can rest assured that any E-rated game they buy their kids will be free of adult situations like sex, drug use, or gratuitous violence. OR WILL THEY!? Turns out, some of the most beloved games …

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How racy fan service is ruining otherwise great games

Introducing new, obscure Japanese games to some of my friends used to be fun, but it’s becoming a battle I’m tired of fighting. Sure, I could detail the great gameplay, slick art, and creative ideas on display in a niche JRPG they’ve never heard of. But I know I’ll also …

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RadioRadar podcast 78: House Rules

This week is a quick one, but we think you’ll enjoy hearing us ramble about our childhood rules about games. Hosts: Hollander Cooper, Ryan Taljonick, Tom Magrino, Lorenzo Veloria, Henry GilbertQuestion of the week: What was your personal house rule when playing games? Answer to win a cool game or …

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A complete history of Castlevania box art

Castle + Dracula + Whip = Box Art For more than 25 years, Castlevania has been the world’s premier Dracula-focused digital media. And while the series changed hands from Japanese to European developers a few years ago, Castlevania’s overall focus hasn’t veered from Konami’s original intent: whipping the living hell …

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GameBunker debuts with Marios toughest game ever

Three friends were just hanging out, playing some video games, when up and out of the sudden, the apocalypse came. GameBunker chronicles that tale. Join GamesRadar editors Henry Gilbert, Ryan Taljonick, and Lucas Sullivan as they idle away the world’s end in their radiation-proof and game-stocked shelter. Our first transmission …

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