Max Payne 3’s constant delays burnt in our chest like the indigestion from a convince-store burrito. The occasional screenshot or rumor would subdue the bubbling, searing gas pains, but only long enough to remind us of a time before – a time of ignorance. But with last week’s trailer we’re finally seeing the light at the end of the cold, dark, depressing tunnel, getting a glimpse into a world where Max Payne 3 is a reality instead of the unkept promise of a sadistic developer. Now, Rockstar has released an updated version of the trailer, filled with interesting facts and expanded information, giving us hope of a brighter tomorrow.
It’s done Pop-Up video style, with text blurbs appearing to fill in information that might have otherwise gone unnoticed in this hectic mess of a world. Some facts, like the return of Max’s voice actor James McCaffrey, we could figure out on our own, while others, like the enhanced melee system, we’re happy to read about in the developer’s notes. Each balloon of text that appears reminds us of why we love Max Payne so much. Each blurb restores a little faith, taking us one step further from the ledge, and one step closer to redemption.
Sep 22, 2011