Universal has debuted the first full trailer for their 3D re-release of Steven Spielberg’s iconic sci-fi dinosaur adventure, Jurassic Park .
JP’s conversion to 3D will be released early next summer just in time for its 20th anniversary.
There’s been speculation to whether the 1993 classic really needs a 3D release. Though it’s bound to attract a jeep-full of nostalgia-seeking adventurers and, whether 3D is your cup of tea or not, it will be hard to pass on the opportunity to join Sam Neil and co’s prehistoric voyage on the big screen.
You never know, three-dimensional dinos could be just the trick to speed up movement on the long-awaited Jurassic Park IV.
Watch the Jurassic Park 3D trailer below:
Jurassic Park 3D opens in the UK on 5 April 2013.