Universal has released the first official trailer for Rupert Sanders’ fairytale reimagining Snow White And The Huntsman , and it’s probably the most visually arresting teaser we’ve seen all year.
As the pumping electro soundtrack kicks in, it’s clear from the off that this is going to be a heavily stylised version of the classic fairy story, with the film’s modern-Gothic aesthetic announced through a spectacular, dissembling flock of ravens.
Many of the ancient yarn’s classic details appear to be intact, but are presented with such verve that they feel genuinely fresh, the anthropomorphised magic mirror an eye-catching case in point.
Star of the show is Charlize Theron’s dastardly Queen, sexy and sinister in equal measure and a character with a whole heap of visual tricks up her sleeve. Whether sinking into a bath of pristine-white milk or exploding into avian form, she looks every inch the iconic villain.
Elsewhere, Chris Hemsworth taps into his wild side as the eponymous Huntsman, whilst Kristen Stewart looks suitably enchanting as Snow White, despite not getting any actual lines to say.
All in all then, it seems like an exciting spin on a well-worn narrative. Whether or not the finished article lives up to the trailer remains to be seen, but if nothing else, it should be pretty easy on the eye. Snow White And The Huntsman opens in the UK on 1 June 2012.