Did you get anything game related as a gift this holiday season?

Hurray!!! It’s finally Christmas morning, and you rush downstairs to see all your gifts wrapped under the tree. You can’t wait to tear into them. There is one in particular you have had your eye on, you are almost 100% sure it’s something game related that you can’t live without. You tear it open and much to your delight and surprise it’s…

Did you get anything game related as a gift this holiday season?

I went ahead and treated myself to an awesome gaming gift this year. I was thrifty for a few months and put some money together to get myself a badass new graphics card for my computer. Now I can fully appreciate all the particles flying off my ship in an intense battle in Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag. The volumetric smoke keeps getting in my eyes though…

Let us know in the comments what awesome thing you got as a gift this holiday season!

About Fox

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