The end of last year saw the Devil May Cry HD Collection dated (opens in new tab) for April, but Capcom seems to have decided that this month had been a bit uneventful. We did our best to spice things up by awarding Game of the Month, March 2012 (opens in new tab) to a contender sure to spark a nerdfight or two… but Capcom’s apparently looking to start some flamewars of its own, with the surprise early release of the Devil May Cry HD Collection.
Above: Flames, y’see, because devils live in hell, and war because… oh, forget it
Game Informer (opens in new tab) reports that retailers have been given the go-ahead to just start selling Devil May Cry HD now, rather than waiting until next week as originally intended. No explanation given, and really, none needed for the man on the street. Any day’s a good day to play Devil May Cry, as far as we’re concerned.