Batman means fucking business. In the just-unveiled box art for Arkham City, our hero is rendered mostly in shades of simple blacks, whites and greys%26hellip; except for his crime-fighting fists, of course, which are appropriately splattered with bright red blood. Take a look:
If you%26rsquo;ve been paying attention to Batman: Arkham City since the sequel was first announced last year, you%26rsquo;ll recognize this visual motif immediately %26ndash; similar images have been used on magazine covers and are available as wallpapers on the game%26rsquo;s official website (opens in new tab).
What do you think about this box art? I admire the starkness, and can appreciate it from a design point of view, but I would prefer that Arkham City%26rsquo;s cover complemented the original game%26rsquo;s look rather than an issue of Game Informer. These two are going to look sort of strange sitting next to each other, aren%26rsquo;t they?
Jun 15, 2011