You can now check out the surreal Spanish artwork, deserted fruit stands, and all kinds of colonial trappings that line the streets of Cuba’s capital. Overwatch’s (opens in new tab) latest escort map, Havana, is live and playable. A new patch brings Havana, new legendary skins for Mercy and Lúcio in celebration of Overwatch League 2019 All-Stars, a number of bug fixes, as well as gameplay and hero updates to Blizzard’s shooter.
Blizzard’s patch notes (opens in new tab) give us a detailed breakdown of what players will experience when fighting through the City of Columns. “Begin your trip at the Taller de Sebastián, where the classic cars that line Havana’s bustling streets stop for refueling and repair. Escort a truck of rum barrels on the sun-drenched cobblestone roads, fighting off those who try to stop you. As you make your way, duck into a colorful building to escape enemy fire and savor the impressive flavors of Havana at La Cocina de Miranda or Café del Sol. Battle your opponents through the alleys until you reach the Don Rumbotico rum distillery, a once little-known local treasure that has recently earned international acclaim. Finally, guide the jalopy through the distillery to its destination at the Havana Sea Fort, a historical landmark recently purchased by an anonymous financial group and closed to the public.”
Havana originally debuted in Overwatch’s Storm Rising (opens in new tab) event as a PvE mission in which Genji, Tracer, Mercy, and Winston fight through bots in order to get to Talon member and Casino Monaco owning omnic Maximilien.
The two new legendary skins, 2019 Atlantic All-Star Mercy and 2019 Pacific All-Star Lúcio!, are available until May 22. They can be purchased for 200 league tokens each. Havana isn’t available in Overwatch’s workshop mode just yet, but Blizzard developers (opens in new tab) said it should be ready soon.
Having trouble picking a new hero to play as in Overwatch? Check out our guide on how to find the perfect character for your preferred playstyle (opens in new tab).