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Uma Thurman talks Quentin Tarantinos next film

Uma Thurman has added fuel to the fiery debate over just what Quentin Tarantino’s next film will be. While out promoting her new movie Ceremony , the actress was asked about the possibility of a third Kill Bill , and answered: “I think he has a script ready to start …

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Xbox 360 owners the most likely to buy digital games

With its slate of Xbox Live Arcade downloads, Xbox Live Indie Games, Xbox Originals, and Games on Demand, the 360 has quite a large selection of downloadable titles – over 2,500 in total (with indie titles accounting for more than half). The PS3 has far less available content, but according …

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Duke Nukem Forever delayed until June, we call shenanigans

Gearbox Software has delayed Duke Nukem Forever by over a month. Typical, right? A little too typical, we suspect. After all, delaying the most delayed game in all of gamedom is almost too much of a coincidence. And after watching the studio’s tongue-in-cheek delay announcement video (complete with its own …

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First full Captain America trailer

The first full trailer for Captain America: First Avenger has blasted online. Steadily setting up the mood for the comic book adap, it starts out like a heartfelt war drama about a hapless wannabe soldier – then pumps the screen full of lead. Chris Evans stars as Steve Rogers, born …

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J.J. Abrams reveals 20 minutes of Super 8 footage

If anyone knows how to hype film into a frenzy, and then deliver on it, it’s J.J. Abrams. The Star Trek director has focused on a slow-burn promotional campaign for his next movie, Super 8 , revealing little in the trailers except for the pitch-perfect Spielbergian vibe. Yesterday, in New …

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Forces of Chaos invading Warhammer 40K: Space Marine

You can add Chaos Space Marines to the list of things to kill in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. THQ confirmed today the Forces of Chaos will play a prominent role in the upcoming third-person shooter, making the million-odd feral Orks just one of the two major forces out make Captain …

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