Sea of Thieves Megalodon: How to find and summon Shrouded Ghost

The Sea of Thieves Shrouded Ghost is the most fabled legend in all of Sea of Thieves. As one of five megalodon varieties, you’d think it stands a decent chance of appearing to players, but you’d be wrong. Few have encountered the Ghost, making its related commendations worth their weight in Doubloons. While some of the spawn behavior of the game’s PvE elements are mysterious outside of Rare, here’s what we do know for sure about how to find The Shrouded Ghost in Sea of Thieves.

Simply put, there’s no easy way to draw out the Shrouded Ghost. It’s mostly luck-based. There are, however, many rituals and methods that some people have alleged to help that we want to clear up. This guide is meant to instill in you the realization that there’s no easy way to find this Sea of Thieves ghost, while also debunk some of the urban legends propped. Here’s everything you need to know about The Shrouded Ghost.

First up: stay away from islands

Encountering Shrouded Ghost is mostly random. However, sailing around any square on the map that doesn’t have an island in it will increase your chances – megalodons will run away or despawn if you sail too close to land so avoiding that will improve your odds.

How to find the Shrouded Ghost Megalodon

Megalodons have specific sound cues that play right before they spawn which is a lot like a loud roar. Once you hear this, look behind your ship and the megalodon should breach the water, giving you a closer look at it. What you’re searching for is a pale white shark with a pink-tipped fin and glowing red eyes. If you see any other variation (there are five in all) you can either choose to ignore the beast or kill it to stop it from following you. 

When you hear the roar make sure to drop the anchor to stop you sailing near to shore. This way you can identify which megalodon it is more quickly, and also avoid despawning it by getting too close to land. It’s also a good idea to keep a good stack of supplies on board at all times to ensure you don’t end up visiting Davy Jones. 

There is no specific Shrouded Ghost spawn location 

A popular theory is that there is only one specific location where Shrouded Ghost will spawn. This has been disproven by the community with sightings happening in all regions of the map from the Shores of Plenty to the Ancient Isles, The Wilds, and The Devil’s Roar. In other words, you have an equal chance of encountering the Shrouded Ghost no matter where you are, so there’s no point risking the flaming debris and boiling waters of the Forsaken Shores. 

Fog will not help you find Shrouded Ghost

When the Shrouded Ghost was first introduced it was commonly believed that fog had a role to play in summoning the elusive megalodon. Mainly because both features had been introduced in the same update, so it’s not a huge stretch of the imagination to believe they’d somehow be connected. However, as the months have passed, this theory has now been thoroughly disproven, with countless sightings being reported outside of the fog. 

Changing or turning off your lights won’t help you summon Shrouded Ghost either

Another theory we’ve come across a few times is that you need to change the lights on your ship (opens in new tab) to increase the probability of the Shrouded Ghost appearing. Either by altering their colour or switching them off entirely. We’ve tested multiple variations of this over the last few months and can say without a shadow of doubt that this is not the case. Much like the fog, it’s simply another rumour that has spread from pirate to pirate.

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