PS5 and Xbox Series X games are already in the works from about 10 percent of devs, survey finds

The next generation of video game consoles is set to arrive later this year, but it’s already begun for many of the people who make the games we play. A new survey conducted on behalf of the Game Developers Conference polled just short of 4,000 responding game developers on a range of industry issues, including – most excitingly for those of us on the outside looking in – what consoles their current projects are for and where they foresee their efforts going next.

According to the responses, 23 percent of developers who took the survey believe their next game will launch on PS5 (opens in new tab), while 11 percent are already actively developing for Sony’s console. Xbox Series X (opens in new tab) had similar, albeit slightly lower, figures: 17 percent expect their next game to be released on Xbox Series X, and 9 percent are already working on such a project.

Whether or not they’re actively working on next-gen games or foresee themselves doing so soon, the next set of consoles have captured developers’ attention. The responses indicate 38 percent of developers are interested in making PS5 games and 25 percent Xbox Series X games. Let’s not forget Nintendo’s little console that could, though – 37 percent said they want to make Switch games, just shy of the interest in Sony’s upcoming system.

Cloud-based gaming platforms are getting a slower start. The survey said 6 percent of developers are currently working on projects for Stadia, though that number grew to 8 percent when asked which platform their next project is set for. Microsoft’s Project xCloud streaming service came in a little lower with 3 and 6 percent responses to those questions, respectively.

If you’d like to view the full report yourself, you can head to this site (opens in new tab) and fill out the required information to receive a free and instant download link.

See what else is on the way with our guide to the best upcoming games (opens in new tab) of 2020.

About Fox

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