Heres what Samuel L. Jackson has to say about those Nick Fury TV show spin-off rumours

Nick Fury may be back (and de-aged) in Captain Marvel (opens in new tab), but the ‘90s isn’t the only place where he might be turning up. Recent rumours have indicated that the Disney+ streaming service (opens in new tab) has a whole bunch of MCU spin-offs lined up, including a potential Nick Fury TV show. So, we cut to the chase and put it to Samuel L. Jackson himself when we spoke to him about the new Marvel movie (opens in new tab). Are we getting a Nick Fury TV show: Yay or nay?

Well, probably nay, unfortunately. The Nick Fury TV show rumour, which swirled around the internet late last year, was news to Jackson when we sat down with him to talk about his turn in Captain Marvel. “Oh, it’s gotta be true then!” He exclaims, when told about the online reports.

But far be it from Jackson to completely shoot it down. He reveals that Marvel hasn’t been in touch about a project, be it on Disney+ or anywhere else, saying: “Nobody’s asked me yet, but we’ll see.”

In fact, the Nick Fury actor is keeping a whole bunch close to his chest, either well-versed in the way of protecting spoilers, or just straight-up telling the truth when he says: “I don’t know anything about Avengers: Endgame.”

Yet, Captain Marvel is where his attention lies right now. Jackson waxes lyrical about a movie that has “a great amount of heart, that’s kinda unexpected in a film like this”. But don’t worry, he promises “explosions… big fights, and we know there’s gonna be fast chases,” as well come March 8, 2019 when Captain Marvel hits cinemas. 

You can watch our full interview with Jackson above, but for now, that’s all we’ll be seeing of Nick Fury but, maybe, just maybe, he’ll have one eye towards the future.

Shh! Here’s everything you need to know about the Captain Marvel post-credits scenes (opens in new tab) and the Captain Marvel ending (opens in new tab) – with spoilers!

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