Henry Cavill teases a Superman cameo in Wonder Woman

One of the benefits of shared movie universes is being able to share characters, and that’s something that the DC movie universe is starting to grasp. It’s already been confirmed that Ben Affleck’s Batman will show up in Suicide Squad (opens in new tab) later this year, and Wonder Woman will of course play a substantial role in this month’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (opens in new tab). Could Henry Cavill’s Superman flash his red cape in another Justice League spin-off?

While he’s “not in Suicide Squad”, Cavill told Brazilian magazine Superinteressante (via Heroic Hollywood (opens in new tab)) that we shouldn’t rule out the possibility of a Superman cameo in Wonder Woman: “In Wonder Woman, I haven’t heard anything yet, but…watch that space.”

Cavill’s response indicates that he may know more than he’s telling. While it could be fun having Superman cameo in Wonder Woman’s film – an idea which could also help expand DC’s movie universe and develop the relationship between the characters pre-Justice League – having the first ever Wonder Woman film focused solely on that character is equally important. Like the man said, we’ll be watching this space…

Directed by Zack Snyder and starring Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Diane Lane, Gal Gadot, Jesse Eisenberg, Jeremy Irons, Laurence Fishburne, and Amy Adams, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will arrive in UK and US cinemas on March 25, 2016.

Images: Warner Bros.

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