In issue 214 of Total Film magazine , perennial good guy Tom Hanks tells us why he’ll never play a baddie.
Inside the issue – which is available for just £1.99 on your iPad (opens in new tab) , Hanks reveals that villain roles just aren’t his cup of Joe.
“Look, playing bad, I am not interested, ever,” he says. “I don’t want to see bad guys who are just bad, you know? Why are they bad?
“There are evil villains out there like, I don’t know, Iago, that are intriguing to play. But bad guys do not look bad – they look like you or me. You could have a knife in your shoe, you know?”
Hanks adds that his ‘nice guy’ image really isn’t an act. “There’s no substitute for absolute, complete honesty,” he says.
“There are people out there that lie very easily. I refuse to accept that. If you lie to me, you’re going to be in big trouble.”
Captain Phillips is out now.
For more from Hanks, pick up the brand new issue of Total Film , which is out now, and includes an exclusive look at RoboCop (opens in new tab) , Star Wars: Episode VII (opens in new tab) , The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug (opens in new tab) and many more exciting new movies .
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