With Channing Tatum now 100 percent confirmed for the Gambit solo movie, Fox has begun considerating potential female leads to star alongside him. As per Deadline‘s report, the studio’s shortlist is a veritable who’s who of up-and-coming actresses, with Lea Seydoux, Rebecca Ferguson and Abbey Lee all in the running to play Bella Donna Boudreaux.
Boudreaux is one of Gambit’s love interests from the comics, and one half of a Romeo & Juliet situation. He’s from the Thieves Guild, while she’s from the Assassin’s Guild. That never works out, does it?
Seydoux and Ferguson are the most recognisable out of the three, with the former currently shooting upcoming Bond movie Spectre and the latter stealing Mission Impossible – Rogue Nation from Tom Cruise. Lee appeared in Mad Max: Fury Road and just finished shooting a leading role in Nicolas Winding Refn’s The Neon Demon.
Rupert Wyatt directs Gambit from a script by Josh Zetumer. It’s targeting an October 7, 2016 release date.
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