Tag Archives: Microsoft

Dead Rising 3 will not be sold in Germany

When there’s no more room left in Hell, Dead Rising still won’t be allowed in Germany. Destructoid reports that Xbox One launch title Dead Rising 3 has been refused classification by the German entertainment software self-regulation body, much like the other games in the zombie-killing series. “While Microsoft is disappointed …

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Xbox Live on Xbox One, the first details

As part of Microsoft’s grand reveal of the Xbox One (opens in new tab) (that name will take some time), the company gave their first details on the future of Xbox Live, which they say is completely redefined. First off the system will use more than 300,000 servers to run …

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Xbox One will require game installation to hard drive

According to an exclusive look at the Xbox One by Wired, you’ll have to install games to the console’s hard drive to play them. Following the installation process, you’ll be able to boot games up without the disc at all, and they’ll be tied to your Xbox Live account. Wired …

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How Microsofts new Kinect focus lost a connection with one gamer

“You know what would be really funny?”, we said the other day. “If we counted the number of times the word ‘Kinect’ was uttered during last year’s abhorrently motion-control-fixated Microsoft press conference, and then compared it to the number of times it’s said this year”. Our thinking was simple. An …

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Threadless shirts bring hipster appeal to your Xbox Avatar today

Despite our instinctual revulsion at the concept of paying real money for nonexistent digital clothes, every now and then the Xbox Avatar Marketplace gets us. Sometimes we’re pulled in with wrestling gear (opens in new tab), RoboCop helmets (opens in new tab) or yesterday’s Max Payne attire (opens in new …

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