Zack Snyder’s theatrical announcement that confirmed the Man Of Steel sequel would feature Batman was one of the most seismic pieces of movie news to come out of 2013’s Comic-Con.
And, according to (opens in new tab) , writer David S. Goyer discussed the news in a panel celebrating Superman’s 75th Anniversary, revealing potential titles for the movie. After describing Harry Lennix’s quote-reading, Goyer said, “We’re already in pre-production, comes out in summer of 2015.
“We’re actually not sure whether the title is Superman Vs Batman or Batman Vs Superman but yes, it’s that rematch, that combination, the two guys onscreen and that’s happening.” then did some digging on domain names, and found that Warner Bros had registered and And while they’ve registered, they haven’t registered, leaving CB to conclude that Batman Vs Superman is the most likely title for the film.
While there’s been no official announcement yet, it’s interesting that Goyer has suggested that they will go down the route of a straightforward, direct title that points to a clash of DC’s titans. When you’ve got two such iconic characters, you probably don’t want to confuse comics-shy cinemagoers with a title like World’s Finest …