A second trailer has arrived for Nancy Meyers’ workplace comedy The Intern, in which Robert De Niro stars as a 70-year old who takes an internship at Anne Hathaway’s online fashion outlet. The former Goodfella plays Ben Whittaker, a retiree whose post-work life has left him struggling to find a suitable creative outlet — so he applies for an internship to stave off the boredom.
Hathaway plays CEO Jules Ostin. Reluctant to embrace Ben’s old-school working techniques in the fast-paced e-commerce world, she eventually warms to his charms and the pair realise they share a common love of hard work. Check out the trailer below:
Meyers’ previous movies pander to a certain type of movie formula – the odd couple finally fall in love! gasp! – and thankfully, The Intern shakes off that tired romantic element and hones in on the office-related gags. It opens in the US on September 25 and the UK on October 2. Andrew Rannells, Adam DeVine, Nat Wolff and Reid Scott co-star.
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