Psychonauts 2 accessibility features have been revealed

Double Fine has revealed the Psychonauts 2 accessibility features that will be available in the game at launch.

To join in on Global Accessibility Awareness Day, Double Fine shared a video of the accessibility features in the upcoming Psychonauts 2, with senior producer, Kevin Johnson to walk us through.

Johnson shared that upon first boot, players will see a screen with a number of features they can adjust. This includes brightness options, improving text legibility, subtitles, and subtitle size. More features are available through the game’s Settings menu.

Johnson explained a Localized Navigation Sign UI feature that is said to change all in-game signage from English and into the player’s chosen language. There is also a mental health advisory screen warning players that Psychonauts 2 contains “artistic interpretations of serious mental conditions”.

Later into the video, Johnson runs through the various settings screens, showing the expanded Assist Features area. Options such as Fall Damage, Invincibility, and narrated combat is shown, and options to reduce camera shake and apply color blind options are available.

Controls are “fully remappable” as Johnson explained, and Psychonauts 2 will have a camera assist feature that will point the player to the right path. With lock-on inputs, there is a hybrid mode that appears to be a hold input or the choice to use a press input.

There is no “intended” way to play Psychonauts 2. We encourage players to use these and other options to customize their experience to their personal preferences.May 20, 2021

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On Twitter, Double Fine also highlighted these options in a condensed version of the above video. It also ended the thread with a statement on Psychonauts 2 saying: “There is no “intended” way to play Psychonauts 2. We encourage players to use these and other options to customize their experience to their personal preferences.”

Psychonauts 2 is slated to be launching this year and we’ve seen a brief look at what to expect from the sequel. While Double Fine was purchased by Microsoft in 2019, the game is still to be launching on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

For now, here are all the new games for 2021 and beyond to get excited about.

About Fox

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