Nintendo Switch will have a 2.5 to 6.5 hour battery life – about the same as a 3DS

The Nintendo Switch functions as both a home console and a handheld, and those planning to take their console on the go are no doubt wondering how long they’ll be able to play outside the home. Thanks to Nintendo’s press conference reveal (opens in new tab), we now have an answer: When undocked, the Switch will last anywhere between 2.5 hours and 6.5 hours.

Why such a wide range? The more intense the graphics, the more power the Switch will need to draw from its battery. Ergo, you’ll be able to enjoy simple games for long periods of time, while games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will eat up your battery life a bit quicker.

But don’t worry too much about needing to return home every time you want to recharge. The Switch can charge using its USB-C port, making it instantly compatible with a ton of cables and chargers you likely already have.

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