Netflix has unveiled a new teaser trailer for the third and final series of Hemlock Grove, its singularly bizarre horror series set in a small town populated by a whole host of werewolves, vampires and monsters. And from the looks of this latest footage, things are only going to get stranger.
While the second series had already taken a marked turn for the extreme, this final series promises to be even more out there, with executive producer Chic Eglee confirming plenty of WTF moments ahead. “Knowing it will be our last gives us the opportunity to go out in a mushroom cloud of clever and soul shattering mayhem,” he says. Strap in, everyone! Take a look at the new teaser, below:
Mmm, lovely delicious blood… the cornerstone to any balanced diet. Does that supply of blood-bags mean less actual biting this time around? Don’t count on it… Co-starring Landon Liboiron, Bill Skarsgard and Famke Janssen, Hemlock Grove’s final run will land on Netflix on October 23 2015.
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