JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle is about as Japanese a game as you could imagine, leading many to believe that it would never see a release outside of Japan. But after it launched to critical praise in late August, Namco Bandai confirmed that it will be coming to the West in 2014 as a PlayStation 3 exclusive.
If you’re a JoJo fan, this is a dream come true–and if you aren’t, it’s high time you got in touch with your Stand side. Based on the manga JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (obviously), the fighter features 32 playable characters ripped straight from the pages of the comic. When it released in August, reviews praised the stellar, imaginative combat and strong mechanics.
Reviewers did note some balance issues, but the developers have already released one patch to improve things, and there’s another on the way in October that will hopefully fix even more of the complaints. With a US/UK release still some months away, there’s a good chance that these issues will be in the past by the time this strange adventure lands on store shelves stateside.