Here’s a question for you: where were you when the Final Fantasy 7 Remake (opens in new tab) was announced? Oh yeah, you were probably a pile of human jelly on the floor, your liquefied yet ecstatic form still recovering from the confirmation of The Last Guardian and Shenmue 3. Then POW! Sony reveals the most beloved JRPG of all time is being remade. Right in the kisser.
It was an incredible moment to behold wherever you might have been at the time (especially when you consider it wasn’t the first FF remake pitched to Square Enix bigwigs), and in the latest issue of Official PlayStation Magazine, game director Tetsuya Nomura reveals the reality-unravelling response owes everything to its timely reveal: “There are more and more titles being announced by Square Enix on PlayStation 4, so we figured [announcing] it now would be a good boost to our portfolio,” he says. “And in terms of why it was time to start production: you may have seen three names come up in the trailer: Mr Kitase, Mr Nojima and myself . The availability of these three key members finally aligned, and we were able to see a window in which we can start production with these creators, so it made it possible for us to move forward with the project.”
The latest issue of Official PlayStation Magazine, featuring Horizon: Zero Dawn on the cover and a free set of DualShock 4 decals, is out now. Download a digital copy here or subscribe (opens in new tab) to future issues.