Walt Disney Animation Studios has announced the impending arrival of the first animated Marvel movie, with Big Hero 6 set to make its way to the big screen.
Based on the comic-book series of the same name, the film will follow the adventures of Hiro Hamada, a robotics prodigy living in the hi-tech city of San Fransokyo (see the concept art above).
When Hiro stumbles upon a criminal plot to destroy his city, he and his loyal robot companion Baymax join up with a team of fellow first-time crime-fighters to protect San Fransokyo from impending doom.
The film will be directed by Don Hall, who explains how the Disney feel of the comic book initially attracted him to the project.
“I was looking for something on the obscure side, something that would mesh well with what we do,” says Hall. “The idea of a kid and a robot story with a strong brother element, it’s very Disney.”
Big Hero 6 will open in the US on 7 November 2014, with a UK date to be confirmed. Check out the concept art in full below:
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