Earlier in the year, rumors of Scott Eastwood’s role in Suicide Squad strongly hinted that he was in line to play Wonder Woman’s long-time love interest Steve Trevor. Now thanks to a new report from Variety, you can shelve that thought as Star Trek’s Chris Pine has become the frontrunner for the part.
Should he secure the role, Pine is set to appear alongside Gal Gadot’s titular warrior. Based on comic lore, Trevor is a World War II fighter pilot whose aircraft crashes on Paradise Island. It’s on that idyllic rock that he’s nursed back to health by Diana Prince. The pair fall in love during his convalescence and return to the real world together, where she adopts her superhero monicker Wonder Woman.
Variety goes on to say that Eastwood, who is set to appear in Suicide Squad, opted to take a guaranteed – and as-yet unknown – supporting role in that movie instead of testing for the Steve Trevor part.
At this point, it’s still unclear whether or not Pine will make an appearance in David Ayer’s supervillain pic. Based on the interconnected universe DC is cooking up, it seems highly likely that should he land the part he’ll sign on for multiple movies. Before then, he’s set to jump behind the controls again for Star Trek 3, which begins shooting this year, and you can catch him in August alongside Suicide Squad’s Margot Robbie in Z For Zachariah.
Directed by Patty Jenkins and scripted by Jason Fuchs, Wonder Woman opens on June 23, 2017. Suicide Squad is due to arrive a year earlier on August 5, 2016.
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