The third piece of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare DLC (opens in new tab) will hit Xbox 360 and Xbox One on June 2. If you’ve played the last two, you know what to expect from Supremacy: four competitive maps and another Exo Zombies episode, complete with a new leading role for Bruce Campbell.
If you haven’t played through the first two episodes Exo Zombies yet, you might want to give this trailer a pass for now – it contains a pretty big spoiler for the schlocky star-studded co-op campaign.
Three of the four new competitive multiplayer maps take players to historical places of power, hence the Supremacy: Parliament plays out on a cargo ship adrift off the Palace of Westminster, Kremlin shoots up Red Square, and Skyrise (a remake of Modern Warfare 2’s Highrise) overlooks the Acropolis in Athens. Meanwhile, Compound appears to be set in a non-descript training facility in the Colorado wilderness. Maybe it’s about the power of nature?
Either way, all four maps will support the zippy-fun Exo-Grapple ability from Ascendance. And as usual, Activision hasn’t said when Supremacy will release on PC and PlayStation, but Xbox usually gets about a month-long head start on DLC.