Animal Crossing: New Horizons player designs an underground Gyroid fight club

One Animal Crossing: New Horizons player has created a secret Gyroid fight club in jock villager Peewee’s house. 

Shared to the Animal Crossing dedicated subreddit (opens in new tab), one player posted a video of Peewee’s requested “elite sports gym” however not all is as it seems as the camera pans around and reveals a “totally not illegal Gyroid boxing ring.” 

This very clever design features climbing walls, a water cooler, a punching bag – oh and a couple of partition walls which disguise the potentially unethical fight club. What makes this design so good though is the pro wrestling match wallpaper and shady Gyroid manning the table at the entrance sitting next to a bag of bells. 

We’ve seen a number of amazing designs made in the Animal Crossing: New Horizons – Happy Home Paradise DLC recently, with some of our other favourites being Pippy’s 7/11 store – which featured all of the real-life convenience store branding in it – as well as the other player who utilised the custom polish effects tool in the interior design expansion adding Soot Sprites to a house similar to Satsuki and Mei’s home from My Neighbor Totoro.  

In more positive Gyroid news, following the Animal Crossing: New Horizons 2.04 update – which fixed the naked villager glitchGyroid fragments have begun washing up on island beaches, making it even easier to pick them up every day. What should you do with all the Gyroids you find, you ask? Why not create a Gyroid model village for them to retire in once their boxing careers have come to an end?

Want to know what seasonal items are worth grabbing this week? Take a look at the winter and summer solstice items on sale at Nook Shopping at the moment. 

About Fox

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